Invited talk at EOSAM!
Join me for a talk at the EOSAM conference in Delft.

Invited talk at SPIE Optics and Photonics!
Join me for a talk at Ultrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy XIII (OP410) SPIE conference is San Diego.

Invited talk at CLEO Europe!
Join me for a talk at CLEO Europe about our recent fieldoscopy applications.

Invited talk at APS!
Join me for a talk at the Annual meeting of the APS division of atomic, molecular, and optical physics about our recent results in Portland.

Invited talk at 100 years of quantum science!
Join me for a talk at "celebrating 100 years of quantum science" in Ottawa.

Join us at MPL for a workshop on solar lasers (APACE)
Join us at MPL for a workshop on solar laser and APACE project.

Invited Colloquium at Nonlinear Photonics Workshop
Join me for an invited talk at the nonlinear photonics and application workshop in Helsinki.

Invited Colloquium at ETH
Join me for an invited colloquium at ETH.

We are at DPG spring meeting!
Join Kilian and Anchit for a tutorial and a talk on femtosecond fieldoscopy at the DPG spring meeting in Bohn.

Femtosecond Fieldoscopy for super-resolution label-free microscopy
Read our perspective article in Wiley microscopy and analysis.

Congratulation Dr. Srivastava!

We are at SPIE Photonics!
Join Andreas, Kilian, and Soyeon at SPIE Photonics in San Francisco to learn about our recent results.

Live webcast on the future of spectroscopy
Join me for a live webcast on the future of spectroscopy organized by Electro Optics Journal.

Femtosecond Fieldoscopy made it to the cover of Nature Photonics!
Femtosecond Fieldoscopy made it to the cover of the December issue of Nature Photonics.

Seminar at Atto Fridays
Join me for an online seminar in Atto Fridays. Watch my short interview here.

Invited Colloquium at the University of Tampre
Join me for an invited talk on our recent activities in Tampre.

Anchit's work is published in Applied Physics Letters!
Check Anchit's work on "180 mW, 1 MHz, 15 fs carrier-envelope phase-stable pulse generation via polarization-optimized down-conversion from gas-filled hollow-core fiber," published in Applied Physics Letters.

We are at IEEE Photnics Conference!
Join Anchit, Andreas, Kilian, and Steffen at IPC 2024 in Rome to learn about our recent fieldoscopy applications.

Anni's work is published in APL Photonics!
Check Anni's work on "0.7 MW Yb:YAG pumped degenerate optical parametric oscillator at 2.06 μm," published in APL Photonics. Find the press release here.

Anchit's work is published in Nature Photonics!
Check Anchit's work on "Near-petahertz fieldoscopy of liquid," published in Nature Photonics. Find the press release here.

Invited Colloquium at the University of Duisburg
Join me for an invited talk on our recent activities in Duisburg.

Invited talk at Advanced Photonics Congress
Join me for an invited talk on our recent activities at the Optica Advanced Photonics Cong.

Anchit attended Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting 2024 🥳
Anchit has been selected to attend the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2024 in Physics!

Invited talk at LPHYS24
Join me for an invited talk on our recent activities at the LPHYS24.

"Beyond the visible" is funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant 2023
I am thrilled to announce that I have been awarded the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant for the proposal "Beyond the visible"! This incredible opportunity will allow my team and I to further our research in petahertz, field-resolved, super-resolution sensing. See the press release here.

"APACE" is funded by the pathfinder open 2023 call of the European Innovation Council
I am thrilled to announce that our proposal APACE (TOWARDS A BIO-MIMETIC SUNLIGHT PUMPED LASER BASED ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC ANTENNA COMPLEXES) has been financed by the Pathfinder Open 2023 call of the European Innovation Council with a total budget of approximately four million euros. The project aims to develop a bio-inspired sunlight-pumped laser based on photosynthetic complexes for efficient conversion of diffuse natural sunlight into a coherent laser beam. We work with a large consortium consisting of nine European academic institutions closely on this aim.

Our paper on Solar Lasers is published in APL Photonics
Check our recent publication, "Solar Lasers: Why Not?," in APL Photonics.

Invited colloquium at University of Central Florida
Join me for an invited talk on our recent activities at the University of Central Florida.

Soyeon's work is published in Communications Physics
Check out Soyeon's recent publication in Communications Physics, " Nonlinear dynamics of femtosecond laser interaction with the central nervous system in zebrafish." Here's the link to the news and the press release.

Watch my talk on solar lasers in international day of light
Watch my talk on solar lasers in a ceremony celebrating the International Day of Light.

Invited lecture at east Africa summer school in optics and lasers
Join me for an invited talk on solar lasers at east Africa summer school in optics and lasers.

Kilian's work is published in Ultrafast science
Check recent publication of Kilian, "Compressed Sensing of Field-resolved Molecular Fingerprints Beyond the Nyquist Frequency," in Ultrafast Science. Here's the link to the news and the press release.

Anni and I at HILAS conference
Join me and Anni for an invited and contributed talk on our recent activities at the HILAS.

Invited talk in honor of Nobel Laurate Prof Ference Krausz
Join my talk in honor of Ferenc Krausz at the Nobel Symposium at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics.

Double Feature at SPIE Photonics West
Join me for two invited talks on our recent activities at the SPIE Photonics West.

Invited Talk at UltrafastX 2023
Join me for an invited talk on our recent activities at the UltrafastX2023.

Anchit at IEEE Photonics Conference
Join Anchit for a talk on "Near-Petahertz Femtosecond Fieldoscopy: A Leap in Liquid Phase Spectroscopy" at the IEEE Photonics Conference.

Attosecond Physics receives the Nobel prize 🤩🥳
Nobel Prize for Attosecond Physics! Read more about how our research is related to this year's prize here.

Talk at University of Glasgow
Join me for an overview talk on our recent activities at the University of Glasgow.

Invited lecturer at SUSSP 79 Summer School
I am delighted to be back to SUSSP again! But this time as a lecturer. Join the summer school here.

Kilian at CLEO EU 2023
Join Kilian' talk in CLEO EU to learn about our findings on "Time-domain Compress Sensing.

Invited talk at CLEO2023
Join me for an invited talk about the recent highlights of our lab.

Colloquium at Ruhr University
Join me for an invited colloquium about the recent highlights of our lab.

Photonics 100 list
I'm honored to be on the list of the industry's most innovative people. Thanks for the nomination.

Join Soyeon at ICO25
Soyeon Jun is presenting a talk about "Investigation on phototoxicity in zebrafish by high power femtosecond pulses" on the 9th of September at ICO25 in Dresden.

Invited talk at ICO25
Join me for an invited talk about the recent highlights of our lab on the 5th of September at ICO25 in Dresden.

Lecture at CaCTüS
Join me for a talk about my career journey on the 9th of August for CaCTüS in Tübingen.

Invited talk at Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg
Join me for an invited talk about the recent highlights of our lab on 15th of June at Bothe Colloquium at MPI for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg.

Berch is taking place in person again!
After a long pause because of the pandemic, Bergkirchweih is back 🥳

Visit of the delegation from Erlangen and Jena
It was a great pleasure to have members of the city of Erlangen city, Leibnitz institute in Jena, and representatives of some companies in the region visiting our lab.

Invited talk at University of Rochester
Join me for an invited talk about the recent highlights of our lab on 31st of May at the Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester.

Seminar at Caltech
Join me for a seminar about the recent highlights of our lab on the 26th of May at the California Institute of Technology.

Laser World of Photonics
Our team visited the laser world of photonics 2022! So many new exciting products!

Invited talk at SPIE Photonics Europe 2022
Join me for an invited talk on "Femtosecond Molecular Fieldoscopy" at SPIE Photonics Europe on 4th of April. More info here.

Congrats to Anni, Kilian, and Mehran!
Congratulations to Anni, Kilian, and Mehran for the successful admission to Max Planck School of Photonics! We are proud of you!

Read about us in the Max Planck Research magazine
The Max Planck Research magazine covered our research in a multi-page article, which you can find here.

Watch my talk at Schawlow-Townes Symposium
Watch my plenary talk in Schawlow-Townes Symposium here to hear about the direction of our lab.

Visit our posters in Schawlow-Townes Symposium
13. 10 and 15.10.2021
Our group presents four posters in the Schawlow-Towns symposium. Visit Soyeon, Anchit, and Andreas posters on Wednesday 13.10. Mehran and Sadegh present their work on Friday 15th of October. Register here.

Invited talk in Schawlow-Townes Symposium
Join me for an invited talk on "Ultrashort pulses for sensing and microscopy" at Schawlow-Townes Symposium in Ottawa on 14th of October at 14:00. More info here.

Nail it or fail it?
I am a panelist in Photonic day. Join us if you are interested in "Nail it or fail it? Is failure an obstacle or the fastest way to succeed?" on 30th of September at 15:30. More info here.

Talk in ECONOS 2021
Join me for a talk in ECONOS 2021 to learn about our novel method for spectromicroscopy on 28th of September at 12:00. More info here.

Congratulations Gaia
Congratulations to Dr. Gaia Barbiero for her successful PhD defense on:
" Efficient nonlinear compression of a high-power Yb:YAG oscillator to the sub-10 fs regime and its applications ".

Invited tutorial on laser spectroscopy
Join me for a lecture on Laser Spectroscopy in the DPG spring annual meeting taking place online on 20th of September at 09:00. More info here.

Anchit presents a talk in EOSAM2021
Anchit presents a talk on our new frontend "Towards Advanced Near-Infrared Spectroscopy at Megahertz Repetition Rates" in EOSAM conference on Friday 17th of September at 9:30. More info here.

Online seminar at IIT Delhi
Join me for a seminar at IIT Delhi on 26.11.2020 at 14:00. More info on how to join here.

Q & A and virtual coffee Break
Join me for a virtual Coffee Break and Q&A and Research Exchange at 17:00. More info on how to join here.

Congratulations Anchit!
Congratulations to Anchit for becoming a board member of the hBar Omega OSA student chapter.

Online tutorial on label-free spectroscopy
I am giving a tutorial on label-free spectroscopy on 21.10.2020 at 11:00 in IMPRS annual meeting and MPL Autumn Academy. More information can be found here. Please drop me an email, if you are not part of the program and you would like to attend the tutorial.

Congratulations Haochuan!
Congratulations to Dr. Haochuan Wang for his successful PhD defense on:
"High-Energy and High-Power Multi_Octave Pulse Generation". Dr Wang! It was a great pleasure to work with you!

Photonics Day!
Join me for a pannel discussion at 11:30 on Photonics Day! More information here.

Watch my interview on Photonics Day!
Watch my interview for Photonics Day here. I talk about my research and difficulties in academia

Max Planck Schools day
Join me for a panel discussion at 14:15 on Max Planck Schools day! In the panel "Globalization in Crisis: Brain Gain or Brain Drain?" is discussed. For registration visit here.

Online lecture at Max Planck School of Photonics
I am giving a talk in the lecture series of Max Planck School of Photonics on laser spectroscopy in attosecond and femtosecond time scale. For registration visit here.

Invited speaker in "Soft matter meets ultrafast spectroscopy" workshop
I am talking about our recent results on near-infrared field resolved spectroscopy in an all online "soft matter meets ultrafast spectroscopy" workshop on 1.9.2020. For registration visit here.

Invited Lecture in 'All-Stars' Siegman school
I am participating as an invited lecturer and panelist in this year's "All-Stars" all-online edition of Siegman school on laser.

Invited Colloquium in Stuttgart
I am giving an invited talk on "towards spectro-microscopy at extreme limits" in Stuttgart physics colloquium.

Invited talk in the Photonics North 2020
I am giving an invited talk on "sub-cycle pulse generation: from petahertz to terahertz" in Photonics North 2020 on the 28th of May. The talk is online and participation in the conference is free of charge.

Congratulations Anchit!
Anchit Srivastava could successfully apply for Max Planck International Research School of Physics of Light. Congratulations Anchit!

Invited tutorial on Laser spectroscopy
I am giving a lecture on Laser Spectroscopy in the DPG spring annual meeting taking place in Hannover on 8th of March at 18:00. CANCELED DUE TO CORONA CRISIS.

Congratulations Ayman!
Congratulations to Dr. Ayman Alismail for his successful PhD defense on:
"Multi-octave, CEP-stable source for high-energy field synthesis". Dr Alismail! It was a great pleasure to work with you!